
Tei, age 88

Tei Matsushita Scott

Tei Matsushita Scott

Honoring the life of an artist, poet, mother, "Nana..."

Tei died peacefully today at the age of 90-1/2. She fought colon cancer this past year, but was fortunate enough to be able to remain at home in New York with us, her family, until passing away this morning. She suffered very little pain, and even in her final days was able to enjoy listening to her favorite Haiku and hearing about family activities.

Tei lived with us for the past 6+ years, and we were lucky enough to have her presence for holidays, family gatherings, music recitals and theater performances. Always eager to be 'doing something,' she insisted on helping around the house, even when it became physically difficult for her. We ate dinner together as a family every night, and Tei loved listening to Avery's "after-dinner" violin playing. Of course, that was after her requisite fruit and chocolate that she loved so much! She was always so appreciative of everyone helping her, and even at the very end, when speaking became so difficult for her, she managed to thank anyone who helped her in any way.

Those of you who knew her all these years know that Tei's painting and poetry were very important to her. She was devoted to her art, and even last week talked about how she wanted to "get back to working on haiku." When she died, she was surrounded by her paintings and haiku; those things that represented her life work.

Some people say they "can't believe" that Tei lived with us, because they could never live with their mother/mother-in-law. It wasn't that way for us, and we are so grateful we had this time with her.

Please feel free to post your thoughts on this blog. Tei's family and friends are scattered from Japan to New Zealand to California, so we felt that this was the best way to honor her memory. Tei did not want a mournful gathering after her death, but rather, a celebration of her life.

It is here that we gather to do so.